Our Shop!

Royal Native 

What some describe as a “California dream” our little slice of paradise is a sun lit space filled with bright colors, good energy & great vintage of course. As soon as you enter the front door your instantly greeted by scents described as lightly woodsy with a hint of citrus, always in combination with whatever Summer Hours candle we’re burning that day. The racks are filled with Hilary’s colorful & unique pieces from her brand Royal Native: one of a kind clothing sustainably made from vintage textiles. AKA she takes brightly colored vintage towels and cool funky patterned sheets and makes them into the most amazing jackets, sweatshirts, dresses and skirts… the list goes on!

Alongside Hilary’s designs are vignettes filled with my carefully curated collections of vintage finds. Usually styled by color or theme, I merchandise the entire store based off of one piece that speaks to me for that display. Etageres, consoles and coffee tables are filled with one of a kind finds decorated just enough to feel full but also clean and easy to see. Hilary’s clothes and my vintage housewares compliment each other so well, they are a happily married couple in every retrospect.


In between Hilary’s up-cycled vintage clothes and my curated vintage finds we sprinkle in some new. Funny cards, zodiac gifts, notebooks and clean fragrance candles/scents are just a few things we like to carry. Hilary has one rule about the things we sell in the shop “you must use it and you must love it!” 

The back of the store has a bright bay window lined with tropical plants and a fan favorite, a large disco ball. At a certain time of year, at certain time of day the sun hits it just right and our store is filled with tiny explosions of light. Our desk is situated right at the edge where we get to enjoy the warm sun all day long and even the common visit from the local Locust Valley train.

It truly is a store that is unlike any other. It emulates the love and energy we embody and share. When you come visit, you may get lost gazing at everything we have to offer or get caught up in a warm conversation with either Hilary or myself. Lucky when it’s both 😉

I hope you come and visit us soon!! 

Xox Nina 

Royal Native

27 Forest Ave, Locust Valley NY


@theroyalnative | @thethrifrocrat